The Best Plants for Birds That Produce Lots of Seeds to Feed Them

The Best Plants for Birds That Produce Lots of Seeds to Feed Them

Many types of birds are attracted to plants that produce plenty of seeds. By growing these seedy annuals and perennials in your own yard, you'll save money on birdseed and have beautiful flowers that you'll enjoy, too. Attract more birds to your garden by growing these seedy plants.

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The bright yellow flowers of goldenrod are a source of seed for the American goldfinch, black-capped chickadee, Carolina wren, dark-eyed junco, indigo bunting, northern cardinal, pine siskin, tufted titmouse, and white-throated sparrow. This native perennial blooms in late summer into fall, and makes a pretty cut flower. And despite the common misconception, goldenrod is not a source of seasonal allergies (ragweed, which blooms at the same time, is the real culprit).

Name: Solidago spp.

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 3 feet tall

Zones: 4–8

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Pearl Millet

The late-summer flower spikes of pearl millet yield tiny seeds that are one of the main ingredients in commercial mixed birdseed. The seeds are especially attractive to doves, juncos, sparrows, thrashers, Carolina wrens, starlings and house sparrows. Millet's seed heads can reach up to a foot long and are often used in both fresh and dried flower arrangements. Its fresh cut stems do, however, have a somewhat strong odor.

Name: Pennisetum glaucum

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 5 feet tall

Zones: Annual

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Sea Holly

The steel-blue, thistle-like flower heads of sea holly attract birds such as the American goldfinch, American tree sparrow, black-capped chickadee, and black-faced waxbill. This perennial blooms from June to September and holds its color even when dried. Be sure to plant sea holly in a permanent location because it won't transplant well.

Name: Eryngium planum

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 3 feet tall

Zones: 5–9

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Joe Pye Weed

Large, pink flower clusters grace the tall stems of Joe Pye Weed in summer. The blooms have a light vanilla fragrance and draw all sorts of pollinators, making it a must-have plant for a butterfly garden. In the fall, this native perennial produces attractive seed heads, which can last well into winter. American goldfinch, Carolina wren, dark-eyed junco, and tufted titmouse all will eat the seeds.

Name: Eutrochium purpureum

Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade in medium moist soil

Size: Up to 7 feet tall

Zones: 4–9

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New England Aster

Make your yard a bird haven with New England aster. This perennial blooms from August to September, when many birds are migrating. You'll love this plant's delicate texture and bright purple color in the garden. Birds such as the American goldfinch, black-capped chickadee, blue jay, dark-eyed junco, eastern towhee, northern cardinal, and white-breasted nuthatch feast on the seed-filled centers of this native perennial into wintertime. Asters are also drought-tolerant and good for containers.

Name: Symphyotrichum novae-angliae

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 6 feet tall

Zones: 4–8

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In addition to large, pretty blooms in summer, sunflowers produce nutritious seeds that many birds (and people) love. Some of the most common birds this easy-to grow annual will attract include: American goldfinch, black-capped chickadee, downy woodpecker, eastern towhee, indigo bunting, northern cardinal, pine siskin, purple finch, rose-breasted grosbeak, tufted titmouse, and white-breasted nuthatch.

Name: Helianthus annuus

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 10 feet tall

Zones: Annual

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The beautiful daisy-like flowers of cosmos bloom in many colors from early summer to frost and attract butterflies. Once this low-maintenance annual is done blooming, birds such as white-throated sparrows, mourning doves, and goldfinches feast on its seeds. Cosmos is also drought tolerant, heat-resistant, and easily thrives in container plantings.

Name: Cosmos bipinnatus

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 4 feet tall

Zones: Annual

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Black-Eyed Susan

Add color to your garden from summer to fall with the daisy-like flowers of black-eyed Susan. Once this top-performing perennial goes to seed, birds such as goldfinches, chickadees, cardinals, and nuthatches will perch on this prairie native's stalks to feed on its tiny seeds.

Name: Rudbeckia hirta

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 3 feet tall

Zones: 3–7

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Purple Coneflower

It's easy to create a backyard wildlife habitat with purple coneflower. Its daisy-like purple blooms attract butterflies and other pollinators. Once the flowers fade, leave the spent flowerheads standing in winter. Birds such as goldfinches, chickadees, blue jays, juncos, mourning doves, cardinals, and pine siskins will eat the seeds.

Name: Echinacea purpurea

Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 5 feet tall

Zones: 3–8

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One of the best annuals to grow in a cutting garden, zinnia is also highly favored for bird and butterfly gardens. Hummingbirds and butterflies are highly attracted to this plant's colorful blooms. Goldfinches love to eat the flower's seeds even before the petals are spent. Plant this annual for continual blooms from summer till fall.

Name: Zinnia elegans

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 4 feet tall

Zones: Annual

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From late spring into fall, coreopsis is one of the few perennials that are almost constantly covered in colorful flowers. Birds such as cardinals, chickadees, goldfinches, and sparrows eat the seeds from the faded flowerheads. This tough native plant will thrive in poor soil, and doesn't mind drought and heat.

Name: Coreopsis spp.

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 3 feet tall

Zones: 3–9

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Globe Thistle

One of the most stunning blue flowers to grow in your garden is globe thistle. Its spherical blossoms attract all sorts of pollinators and are beautiful in dried flower arrangements. When this perennial's flowers fade, goldfinches love to eat the seeds.

Name: Echinops bannaticus

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 4 feet tall

Zones: 3–8

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Add some bold texture to your garden with sedum. This succulent plant doesn't mind heat and drought, plus it even does well in containers. The large, pink flowerheads of 'Autumn Joy' attract butterflies and other pollinators in late summer. Chickadees, finches, grosbeaks and siskins are attracted to the seeds, so be sure to leave up the dried bloom stems to provide winter food for birds. Then, remove old growth early in the spring before new growth emerges to keep the plant looking its best.

Name: Hylotelephium spp.

Growing Conditions: Full sun in well-drained soil

Size: Up to 2 feet tall

Zones: 3–9

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Native Ornamental Grasses

Add native ornamental grasses to your garden for year-round color, texture, and food for birds. In autumn and winter, you'll find doves, finches, juncos, and sparrows on the ground searching for fallen seeds from the many varieties of grasses that have seed-filled plumes and spikes. With their variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, many smaller grasses are even perfect for container gardens.

Name: Panicum virgatum

Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade in medium to wet soil

Size: Up to 6 feet tall

Zones: 5–9

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