How to Grow and Maintain a Zoysiagrass Lawn

How to Grow and Maintain a Zoysiagrass Lawn

Zoysiagrass is a cold-tolerant, warm-season grass that grows well in regions with hot summers and chilly winters. It is light green in summer and turns straw-like brown with the first frost in fall. It remains brown until warm temperatures return in spring. Zoysiagrass has a somewhat coarse texture and thick stems. Its sturdy leaves and shoots allow it to stand up to foot traffic well; it is a good surface for paths and sports fields. When well-established and regularly cared for, zoysiagrass makes a great lawn.  

Zoysiagrass grows slowly, unlike other warm-season grasses, such as Bermudagrass and St. Augustinegrass. While it still requires weekly mowing during the warmest months of the growing season, it rarely requires maintenance every four or five days like other exceptionally vigorous warm-season grasses.

Zoysiagrass Overview

Genus Name Zoysia spp.
Common Name Zoysiagrass
Plant Type Perennial
Light Part Sun, Sun
Height 4 to 5 inches
Foliage Color Blue/Green
Special Features Low Maintenance
Zones 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Problem Solvers Slope/Erosion Control

Where to Plant Zoysiagrass

Plant zoysiagrass where it receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight at day. It will grow in four to six hours of bright light a day, but the growth will be slow, and the plants will be thin. Most zoysiagrass varieties are hardy in USDA Zones 5 to 11. Zoysiagrass tolerates shade better than Bermudagrass, which quickly languishes in shade. Well-drained soil is best for a dense stand of zoysiagrass. It grows well in loam or sandy soil. Avoid planting zoysiagrass in heavy clay soils.

How and When to Plant Zoysiagrass

Plant zoysiagrass from sod or plugs in spring or early summer. Only a few varieties are available to start from seed. Cultivars available as seed have a coarse or rough texture and are usually not ideal for lawn use. Before laying sod or planting plugs, prepare the soil. Start by taking a soil test and following recommendations for incorporating amendments, if needed, tilling amendments into the top 6 inches of soil.

Planting sod is the most expensive method of establishing a zoysiagrass lawn, but the result is a useable, playable lawn and full coverage almost instantly. Plan to water the sod multiple times a day until it roots into the native soil—usually within a couple of weeks. Then, reduce watering to a couple of times a week and further reduce it when the root system is fully established.

Plugging is another popular option for starting a new zoysiagrass lawn. Small clumps of zoysiagrass, called plugs, are planted on 6-inch centers over a lawn. The plugs are watered and fertilized like an established lawn to encourage them to spread horizontally, blanketing the exposed soil. Zoysiagrass spreads very slowly. It takes about two growing seasons for a plugged zoysiagrass lawn to achieve complete coverage. Weeds commonly get a foothold between the plugs during the first couple of growing seasons, so herbicide might be needed.

Zoysiagrass Care Tips


Zoysiagrass grows in full sun or part shade. When it receives at least eight hours of direct sunlight a day, it creates a dense carpet of turf. However, it can also make a pleasing lawn in areas that receive less than eight hours of direct sunlight, although the coverage will not be as dense as in a full-sun location.

Soil and Water

Well-drained soil and about an inch of rainfall a week are optimal for good growth. Zoysiagrass thrives in loam and sandy soil. This tough grass also tolerates saline soils and salt spray. Avoid planting zoysiagrass in clay or slow-draining soil; Bermudagrass is a good alternate choice for clay soil.

Irrigation isn’t essential, but it helps zoysiagrass remain green throughout the growing season in areas that experience drought. Irrigate by watering zoysiagrass deeply and infrequently. Aim to deliver 1 inch of water a week, supplementing with irrigation as needed. When irrigation is necessary, give the lawn about ½-inch of water each time you water. After it establishes a strong root system, it tolerates drought.

Temperature and Humidity

Zoysiagrass grows well in heat and humidity. When temperatures are regularly above 80°F, count on good leaf growth and strong root growth. Zoysiagrass has a dramatic end to the growing season. It turns straw-brown with the first frost. This swift transition to dormancy is a hallmark of the plant and can be jarring in climates with long, cool winters that might support cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, which keeps its green color for weeks in cool weather. Humidity doesn’t faze zoysiagrass; it tolerates moist environments, provided it is growing in well-drained soil.


Thanks to a slow-growth habit, zoysiagrass requires less fertilizer than many other warm-season grasses to maintain a dense appearance. Take a soil test before applying fertilizer to care for the environment and your finances—excessive fertilizer is detrimental to both.

Wait to apply any fertilizer until the grass is fully greened up and actively growing in spring. Stop fertilizing in August to allow the plant to move toward winter dormancy. Take advantage of nutrient-rich grass clippings by leaving them on the lawn after mowing. They will quickly decompose, delivering valuable nitrogen to the soil.


Cut zoysiagrass regularly to maintain a 2-inch-tall lawn. Use the one-third rule as a guide to when to mow. The rule is simple: never remove more than one-third of the length of the leaf blade. With the mower deck set to 2 inches, mow when the turf is 3 inches tall. Zoysiagrass grows slowly when compared to other warm-season grasses. Expect to mow about once a week during the warmest part of the growing season. Zoysiagrass might only need mowing every 10 days or so in spring and fall.

Coarse leaves and thick stems make zoysiagrass challenging to mow. Sharpen the blades on a rotary mower frequently to get a good cut. A reel-type mower is a good option for cutting zoysiagrass.

Pests and Problems

 Zoysiagrass has few pest and disease problems. It grows well and fends off pests and diseases when it is fertilized properly and watered as needed with just 1 inch a week. Be careful not to overfertilize.

Cool-season weeds, such as henbit and chickweed, can be a problem when zoysiagrass is dormant. Weeds are most prolific in grass that is weak or stressed from pests and diseases during the growing season. Maintain a thick, healthy zoysiagrass lawn, and there won’t be space for cool-season weeds to invade.

How to Propagate Zoysiagrass

Sod is the fastest way to establish a zoysiagrass lawn. Plugs and sprigs are another option, but slow-growing zoysiagrass takes at least two seasons to completely cover a lawn when started from plugs or sprigs. It spreads by underground rhizomes and above-ground stems called stolons.

Types of Zoysiagrass

There are many great zoysiagrass cultivars for home lawns. If you live in an area with cold winters, be sure to select a cultivar with notable cold tolerance. Here are a few cultivars with excellent disease resistance and attractive medium-to-fine texture.


Zoysia japonica ‘Compadre’ has good shade tolerance and is well-suited for coastal areas where saline soils and salt spray are a challenge. It is an excellent choice where low-maintenance, tough grass is needed. It is also available as seed.

‘El Toro’

Zoysia japonica ‘El Toro’ has excellent cold tolerance and an earlier spring green-up than other zoysia cultivars. It is the most drought-tolerant of all the zoysia cultivars and has notable shade tolerance.


‘Emerald’ zoysiagrass is a fine-textured zoysiagrass hybrid considered to be the most attractive lawn cultivar by many homeowners. It is less cold-tolerant than some cultivars and is sensitive to overfertilization. It quickly develops a thatch layer when it is overfertilized.


‘Empire’ zoysiagrass is a medium-textured, soft-to-the-touch grass that spreads quickly. This dark green hybrid cultivar is highly drought-tolerant and cold-hardy. It is incredibly durable and exhibits excellent wear tolerance.


Zoysia japonica ‘Palisades’ has a strong upright growing habit. It is somewhat drought-tolerant and can be maintained at 3 inches tall. It is a good choice for families with children and pets. It grows well in a variety of soils—tolerating clay soil better than most other cultivars.


Zoysia matrella ‘Royal’ is a relatively new fine-textured zoysiagrass with good shade tolerance, although it prefers full sun. ‘Royal’ is quick to recover from any damage. It is an attractive green color and can be maintained at 3 inches tall.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My zoysiagrass has a spongy feel when I walk on it. What is going on?

    Your lawn probably has a layer of thatch just above the soil surface. Thatch is partially decomposed roots, stems, and other plant parts. Zoysiagrass is prone to thatch. Use a spring-tine power rake or vertical mower to remove the thatch. Minimize thatch buildup with proper fertilization and watering.

  • How can I make zoysiagrass grow faster?

    Zoysiagrass grows slowly by nature. Its lateral spread is significantly slower than Bermudagrass and St. Augustinegrass. Encourage growth with good mowing, fertilization, and irrigation practices. Maintain grass at 2 inches tall, fertilize as indicated by a soil test, and limit moisture to 1 inch per week.

  • Does all zoysiagrass turn brown in winter?

    Yes, all zoysiagrass cultivars turn straw brown and move into dormancy with the first frost. Cold temperatures combined with less daylight spur zoysiagrass to move into dormancy. Zoysiagrass also turns brown and goes dormant during drought stress. Irrigate, providing ½ inch of water a couple of times a week, during drought to prevent zoysiagrass from going dormant.

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